Focus! Three great ways to build your concentration muscles

Do you have trouble focussing on a task? Maybe you can for a short time and then it goes out the window because, I don't know, a butterfly went by (the butterfly, by the way, may have only been in your mind!)? Many people have trouble with focussing, and it’s a problem that’s been on the rise.

It’s said that ‘technostress’ is linked to less productivity, more chronic stress. The interruptions faced on a daily basis from phones beeping with messages, email coming in, being bombarded with advertising and social media images is causing more and more inability to focus for even short periods of time.

One way to build the ability to focus - to train your concentration muscle so to speak - is the Five More Rule – just do five more – five more minutes, five more exercises, five more pages – which will extend your focus. Doing this helps to gradually build your focus a bit at a time.

Another method is the Pomodoro method. This can be used while studying, reading or working. Put a timer on and do the activity for 25 minutes and then take a 5 minute break. Do this four times in a row and then take a longer break. Over time it will become easier.

Of course, limiting distractions as much as possible will always help. Turn the phone down, turn the email off and get sh*t done! Your brain will thank you!