What's your Money Story? How to Spend Mindfully.

How we do one thing in life is quite often how we do everything. If we have issues around overeating, for example, we might find similar issues around overspending and overdoing. So many of us have stories around money that are unhealthy and completely subconscious stemming from childhood and how we watched our parents handle money or from religious backgrounds or messages we hear from others that spirituality demands poverty. In this day and age, money is the exchange that is in operation, though, and without it we tend to feel a great deal of stress. Getting ahold of our personal money stories is yet another way to decrease stress, anxiety and depression in our lives. Here are a few questions to ask yourself to start uncovering your story:

  • What positive habits am I currently practicing with my finances?

  • What negative habits am I currently practicing that are not serving my financial goals?

  • What is the current story I have about my relationship with money?

  • What beliefs are no longer serving me about money? Where did these originally come from?

  • What would I have to believe about money, myself, others, and the world to create the abundance I desire?

Spending mindfully is to pause before making a purchase and to ask yourself a few questions. First, of course, is whether you can afford this purchase. If you can’t afford it, it should be enough to stop the purchase, but we know it’s often not. Ask yourself how many hours of work it will take to pay for this item and how the money might be otherwise spent. These are practical questions to take a beat before purchasing.

How you are feeling is often more the push to purchase. As you pause and ask yourself the questions above, take a moment to feel into your body. Do you feel where this desire is coming from? As you consider having this item where does it take you? Is there an itch that needs to be scratched? Does this particular item bring joy? Sometimes, it’s the mere act of spending that we’re after- that’s what I am referring to with the ‘itch’. If it’s merely an itch, how else can it be satisfied. Explore ways that can satisfy the need you have - the real need - around spending. This takes deep thought, probing questions and trusting yourself to uncover some uncomfortable feelings and then act on them.

If you need help with this, book your free coaching session or listen to my free meditation around money..