Hosting a virtual get together!

Virtual get-togethers are now a thing! I held my first one last evening. I considered doing my hair and putting on makeup, but I don’t really do that one a regular basis, so nah. Even though we need to keep our distance we can keep our spirits up! Here's a tip. Make your get-together a bit intimate, because too many people will be hard to keep track of on video. It's not like you can have a side chat. Well, you can, but it’s more complicated.

While it’s not the same as in person contact it is a way to stay in touch with people where you can talk face to face and in a more authentic way than by text or email. It’s not just for meetings any more! Here are a few other things to consider as we are in the midst of physically distancing ourselves from others:

1. Maintain routine as much as you can. It helps the mental game

2. Reach out to others in a way you haven’t before. I’m not really the type to reach out to others for help, but right now I need to think about that more

3. Remember that feelings of loneliness are normal, but they aren’t factual. It has nothing to do others not liking you or that you’re a loser. Put it in perspective of isolation and refer back to #2.

4. Notice thoughts that are self-defeating or that are hurting you. By focusing on noticing uplifting content, smiling and showing kindness to others, you lift your self.

5. Show interest in others. Ask questions and be curious about the answers. Show up in your conversations, virtual or otherwise. When you show up for others, they are far more likely to show up for you.

If you want to take your care and compassion up a notch, consider learning more about neighbourhood pods. You can join in to training here Neighbourhood Pod Training.