Are you living authentically?

coverSince my kidney transplant in March, I've made a whole lot of changes in my life. While I was on dialysis and off from the full time job I was able to take full advantage by taking life coaching courses and learning loads of new information. After the transplant I continued on, realizing that I had fund my authenticity and I was not willing to go back to living in the ordinary way. I looked death in the eye so to speak (not that kidney transplants are very dangerous anymore) and I knew there were changes to be made. During that same time I started writing a Dreams to Reality Planner that was based on neuro-linguistic programming training that I took (and loved!). It came about very quickly, as my writing often does, and it just felt right. I've worked with it myself and have come to know myself more deeply, come to know what I am and am not willing to accept and have come to know what I can change (if you guessed me, you're right!).Just recently, I decided to also put out a smaller version, where you can just work with the questions and skip the daytimer/planner portion. If you've been looking to get clear on what you truly value in life and what will bring you the most fulfilment and allow you to live in the most authentic way possible, this workbook is a great tool.People are often scared to be authentic, scared to live from their passions because of lack of security or a lack of acceptance. The thing is, when we live in that place of 'lack' we never grow. And if we aren't growing, is life worth it? For me, it became very clear that it wasn't. It became clear that I could no longer live in fear. That's why so many changes have happened for me. Since my transplant:

  • I signed up for an accredited health coaching course
  • I've re-certified as a group fitness instructor (aside from being a yoga teacher)
  • I've taken a course in Yoga for the 12 Steps (did you know I'm an alcoholic too? 18 years sober!)
  • I've left my full time job
  • I've attended a networking event and have signed up for more (if you knew me, you would know how out of character that is)
  • I've continually pushed my own boundaries and moved past the fear
  • I'm happier and less stressed than ever!

There are probably more things I've changed and more courses that I've taken. Life has been moving fast, but all in the direction of my dreams. I plan to continue on with this and keep letting go of fear.Is it your turn? You don't need to wait for a big life-changing event to happen to you - you can make one happen! Maybe your first step is in a little workbook for $4.99 :)