Life is Good

Over the last year I've written many times about the ups and downs of my journey through life (I'm not going to rehash). It's been a time of learning to become more authentically who I am, learning to let go of the struggle, to accept what is going on in my life and to just be here.This past week and a half since having a kidney transplant has brought about even more of the same, but with a peace kicker. I feel such a sense of gratitude for life itself. I'm not really looking forward at this moment, that'll come with more healing, I'm just revelling in this new functioning kidney (which my sister has taken to calling little lefty even though it's way bigger than the originals lol), amazed at the changes that have taken place already and wondering how many more will come. My hemoglobin (how we carry oxygen in the blood) is way up now, the creatinine (waste product in the blood that helps measure kidney function) is the lowest it's been in over 20 years. Amazing. Science is really something!So those are physical changes. One thing has also happened, I don't mind pictures of myself anymore. I don't know why exactly, what 5he psychology behind that is, but hey I'm alive and here I am! I've also started telling more people that I love them, and I don't think I'll stop. I want to thank everyone for everything and make them understand how much I really mean it. I want to spread love like never before. I have so many wonderful people in my life and I'm so very grateful for each and every one of them. I want to thank all of the people who have been steadily sending me good vibes and prayers as well. Thank you for having me in your thoughts.*By the way, for those following, my donor is doing great. She got home a while before me and is taking it easy as well. We chat but can't visit because neither of us can drive. We're recovering well.