A Day Tinged with Sadness

I love my mother. She is my best friend, confidante, advisor and so much more. Sadly she's been gone for a year and a half now. Mother's Day was joyful before she passed away. Brunches and flowers and celebrating the woman who gave me and my siblings life. Now it has a tinge of sadness as I quietly honour my mother.I'm happy to say there are still flowers. My beautiful daughter arranged for flowers to get to me through my sister since she's away at university. They're quite beautiful and thoughtful and she sent not one, but three photos of the flowers she wanted my sister to pick up for her (just in case the first choice was sold out, which they were not). It's also a beautiful day here in Halifax, bright sun and going up to a nice temperature today. That will help keep the sadness at bay. I might drive to a beach to honour mom, who loved the water. The last time I was at a beach here in Nova Scotia was with my mom and my dog, both of whom have passed on now. We all had a joyful day running in and out of waves that were so cold but at the same time so grounding and lovely. I have so many fond memories of my mother like that one.Mom, you were such a strong woman and lead me into my own strength and growth and taught me so much about myself and human experience. You were the wisest teacher to be placed in my life to help me to become the woman I am, and the one I am becoming still. I honour you daily, but especially today. Mom, my mama, my source of life, of strength, of wisdom, of love. I will always love you Mom, until we meet again.