Reena Davis Wellness

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What would you do with unlimited money?

If you were financially secure and didn't need a salary, how would you spend you time? This is an important question when considering what you are passionate about creating for your life. Most of us wouldn't be sitting back doing nothing, we would be doing things we find meaningful. What does that look like for you?


We're in the last couple of months of the year and while we're starting to think about shopping, parties, decorating and what not, maybe it's time to also take a moment each week to consider what you want to create for 2020. 
If there is a sense of being unfulfilled, a lack of passion or a feeling that there must be something bigger in life, there's a good chance a shift of some sort is needed - and often we know that - what that shift will look like is a different matter. Sometimes we get stuck there, not knowing what direction to take. We dabble in activities hoping they will be the one, almost like dating. Probing into the various ways we spend our time and digging into our values, limitations and beliefs are ways to determine what will ultimately want in life. 
So, what would you be doing if there was no financial need? Are you artistic in some way? A philanthropist? Political? An animal advocate? Give this some real thought. Journalling about what you would do with your time is a useful exercise. If you do it from a dreaming point of view, seemingly unrealistic, you'll likely uncover the gem that is at the heart of it. Then it's a matter of figuring out the small steps to move you in that direction, not today, but in time. 

Kitchari is a traditional Ayurvedic cleansing and healing dish.


  1. 1/2 cup mung beans

  2. 1/2 cup short grain brown rice

  3. 4 cups water

  4. 1 teaspoon cumin seeds

  5. 1 teaspoon mustard seed

  6. 3 Tablespoons coconut or olive oil

  7. 1 Tablespoon grated ginger

  8. 1 teaspoon turmeric

  9. 1/4 teaspoon sea salt

  10. 1 piece of kombu seaweed

  11. Veggies - carrots, kale and asparagus, chopped Cilantro, fresh for garnish, chopped


  1. Soak mung beans for 3 hours, or overnight.

  2. Wash rice

  3. Place olive oil/ coconut oil into a saucepan and add mustard seeds and cumin. Cook until they release their aroma.

  4. Add turmeric, mung beans and rice. Add water, ginger, and kombu. Cook 50-60 minutes.

  5. Add veggies and cook until tender.

  6. Remove kombu. Garnish with cilantro.

This weeks recipe comes from my 90 Day Total Transformation Program.