Reena Davis Wellness

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Taking Care of Business

I am an entrepreneur, so I need to look after my business: the financial planning, the marketing, the planning, learning always and being flexible. It occurs to me that how we live our lives is similar.

Living within our means so we aren't broke all the time is important, but sometimes we need to take a chance and spend an amount that will pay off in the end. Maybe it's training you've been looking for or the retreat that you are in desperate need of. We always need to weight the odds and make decisions based on solid information.

You might think I'm off the mark saying marketing ourselves is important. But think about it; How we show up in the world matters. What is the message you want to put out? Is it one of a caring and compassionate person? Or maybe a wildly successful businessperson? If you were to write your own mission statement what would it say?

Planning is also important in everyday life. Planning for a career, for a vacation, for retirement are all big ones, but then there are the day to day plans. If you want to be fit, for example, you need to plan for it. However, we all know that the best laid plans sometimes fall apart. So flexibility is vital! In business it means listening to the customer rather than only what you happen to love. In life maybe it means taking your workout inside during the winter months. Maybe it means dropping a want because a big bill just landed unexpectedly.

Growth is vital in business and is just as vital in life. Growth is what helps us to feel younger, more inspired and passionate about life. It keeps life interesting!

The business of life can be tough and has a lot of ups and downs. With resilience, mindfulness and coping tools we get through it all and 'succeed' as the entrepreneurs of our lives.