Reena Davis Wellness

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A kidney update

It's been a bit since I gave an update on my post-transplant life. I am 12 weeks post today's! It's at this point that they hope the drug levels have been sorted out, that energy is back to normal, that any of the hiccups have been worked through. It's a good milestone. I'm not quite there yet, but getting closer.I had some issues with diarrhea (too much information? It's relevant, I promise). It turns out this is the single most prevalent issue post kidney transplant! Sometimes it's drug related, other times it isn't. For me, it has cleared since as switch in my drugs. Before that happened though, my creatinine jumped up to 234 (2.64 for my American friends) and my white cell count dropped to 2.13 (it should be between 5-10), I lost about 6 pound suddenly and I felt pretty crappy. I felt like my energy was depleting more and more rather than getting better. A bit scary, but the team at the transplant clinic were watching everything so closely that I figured my worst case scenario - rejection - wasn't on the table so I could deal.I had an update yesterday and it showed that after holding one of the rejection meds my creatinine is slowly coming down (218 today or 2.4), my white cell count. Has come up some, it's over 3 now and my energy is much better. I feel like I'm back on track!As always there are stresses happening in life, primarily in my family. But I feel like I'm able to contribute to helping others now, to trust my body to keep healing as long as I don't mistreat it, like I've got the strength to carry on with the life I'm creating. I recognize that the most significant way I can show my respect to my late mother and my family through difficult times is to not waste my life. To not allow myself to go there again, as I did when my mother passed. I was given this gift for a reason, and I will honour it no matter what.