Reena Davis Wellness

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Those you count on

I've learned an important lesson over the past few months. Illness, and other major life events or crises, teach you who is truly in your corner. I've had so much support, some from very unexpected sources. I've also had a lack of support from some people that I always thought would have my back. So my family and friends has both expanded in different directions and shrunk unexpectedly. I'm not interested in one way relationships. Life is too important and too short to waste on those who don't have a real and deeply rich relationship with you. Connecting with others has become much more important to me and I'm quite thankful for this opportunity to learn who I truly connect with.All through our lives, if we're being authentic, we fine tune relationships to become more meaningful, more intuitive and more real. We have people enter and leave our lives, we learn lessons from a lot of people. Those that bring us pain and strong emotional reactions are often great teachers. But those relationships are just that -lessons- we need to know when to let them go. Our lives become better when we take the lesson and get to the other side. We learn to surround ourselves with those to whom we are willing to give our time, our talent and our heart and they are willing to give back the same. It's an interesting journey, this growing and maturing. Now at 50, I've crossed this place where I'm no longer willing to spend my personal time on anyone I don't connect with on a deep level.As I said, some very unexpected support came my way. I will work on developing those relationships further. I will continue to cultivate an open heart to those who have been there for me. I will give back what I have received wholeheartedly, openly, authentically. That's the least I can do after being given this gift of rebirth. I hope that everyone is able to find their supports and they don't need a major surgery to figure it out. I hope everyone can find their peace and love.