Reena Davis Wellness

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Sunday Contemplation 

Sunday's are always a quiet time for me. It's a day that I rarely work, I sleep in, stay in my pj's for most of the day. It's my lazy day. This week was busy at work. New students at my day job means teaching seminars, setting up computers for them and generally getting them settled. Their energy is always slightly nervous, yet excited. I always like their enthusiasm when they begin. But the truth is I work in a very busy legal aid clinic and their enthusiasm often turns to stress and overwhelm. I teach them to breath sometimes, depending on the group. Pull a little yoga into the office. I try to remind them that they need breaks, that they need to regroup, reenergize and take care of themselves. It's something that everyone needs but not everyone is open to. And law is a very competitive industry and for many students they aren't willing to let down their guard. I often wonder what it would be like if everyone took care of themselves like they would a cherished loved one. That compassion would spread to others. We would have such a different view of the world. A kinder, more gentle view. If only we didn't feel the need to compete. If we could hold each other up and help each other to succeed the world would be different. But we live in the world we do. And we work with what we have. And we can be that person to others even if they aren't being that to us. And so, as always the work starts within. It might be hard work, but very worthwhile. One by one, we can start to change the world.